Rat extermination, all Latvia
Lat Čiek, LTD, disinfestation, disinfection, rat extermination
Let's help get rid of insects( fleas, cockroaches, bugs, flies, mosquitoes, moths, wasps) and rodents( mice, rats) in any type of premises. All work is done with professional and certified products. The work done has a WARRANTY! It is possible as a one-time service, as well as a contract for permanent treatment of premises! When concluding a contract for a one-time service, for 12 months, or for the treatment of complex premises, discounts are applied! Our specialists work in Riga, Riga region, Olaine, Jelgava, Bauska, Jurmala, Salaspils, Kekava, Adazi, Carnikava, Garkalne, Vecaki, Marupe, Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale, Ogre, Aizkraukle, Cesis, Kuldiga, Limbazi, Madona, Saldus, Smiltene, Talsi, Tukums, Valka, Valmiera, Ventspils.
AKTIS, LTD, Rat extermination, disinsection in Riga, Vidzeme
DezControl LTD, rat extermination, disinfestation, disinfection
T.T.R., LTD, Disinfectant, deratisation, disinsection service
KPK, LTD, Deratisation, disinsection, disinfection services
Pest control, disinfection throughout Kurzeme, Riga, Jelgava, Sigulda and elsewhere in Lavia! One of the largest deratization and disinfection companies! Turning to LTD for help "KPK" qualified specialists with many years of experience, your benefit will be professional and prompt extermination of rodents and insects with a quality guarantee and an individual approach to each client.
Profilakse, LTD, cleaning service and sanitary service
Pest Solutions, LTD
"Pest Solutions" fights insects, rodents. We fight bugs, cockroaches, rats and other insects, rodents. We cooperate with companies, institutions, private individuals. We work all over Latvia!
Pelias, LTD
Lat Čiek, LTD, Disinfestation, disinfection, rat extermination, Jelgava
We will destroy rodents and insects, as well as disinfect the premises from viruses.
Free consultations, we also work on holidays with urgent trips.
We get rid of insects in 1 hour!
Lat Čiek, LTD, Disinfestation, disinfection, rat extermination, Olaine
Lat Čiek, LTD, Disinfestation, disinfection, rat extermination, Ogre
Lat Čiek, LTD, Disinfestation, disinfection, rat extermination, Jurmala
We will destroy rodents and insects, as well as disinfect the premises from viruses.
Free consultations, we also work on holidays with urgent trips.
We get rid of insects in 1 hour!
Balt Ursus, LTD
Company Ltd "Balt Ursus" has been offering a wide range of disinsection, deratization and disinfection services since 1996. The accumulated work experience gives the opportunity to quickly and accurately fulfill the necessary requirements of all customers. The company provides its services in Riga, Riga district, Bauska and Bauska county.